Our thoughts and prayers for your well-being go out to all our loyal customers and friends. We are so grateful that, through your support, we’ve been able to keep our small staff employed while providing you with home-delivered meals prepared with the highest of food-safety standards and the freshest and most high-quality ingredients. Each week we look forward to creating comforting, delicious meals that will make your Tuesdays and Thursdays special. Our TKLA|PROVISIONS options will keep your refrigerator stocked with quick meal fixes that include our freshly made, small batch pasta sauces, chili, soups, lasagna, and salad dressings. We don’t charge a service or delivery fee and we guarantee your order will arrive by 5:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday so you can have dinner on the table in less than an hour. When we, once again, can resume our cherished social connections, we look forward to deleting this paragraph and moving the one below to the top of this page. Until then, create something, love everyone, listen to music, play games, find joy and thrive.
“Food, like a loving touch or a glimpse of divine power, has the ability to comfort”
Loving to cook and loving to eat don't always go hand in hand. Or maybe it's just the part about cleaning the pots and pans that keeps you from being adventurous in the kitchen or even from planning that party you've wanted to throw. Thrive Kitchen LA is your kind of caterer. We're big enough to take on a wedding for 200, an office event for 25, or dinner in your home for 12. We love to cook for friends...old and new... Our style is all about ease and comfort and creating flavors that evoke happy memories and healthy cravings. That's how we define what it means to thrive.